Hordes of fierce Vikings attacked Dragonlance, fantasy land, inhabited by flying fire-breathing creatures, and defeated the world of dragons. The main goal of gamers is to save the mysterious mythical creatures and return them back to their native land.
Engage in the removal of cute cubs from eggs, take care of them and satisfy the needs of small dragons that they grew large and strong. It will take a little time, the kids will grow up and gain enough strength and courage to defend their territories, entering into battle with the angry Vikings.
The toy contains more than a hundred species of winged dragons, which are very different from each other, having a diverse appearance and special abilities. Gamers can collect a collection of unique dragons, choosing the most formidable, powerful, hardy and unusual of them.
To recreate the settlement to users who have decided Dragon Mania Legends, you will need to engage in the construction of comfortable houses for the dragons, after all the above done actions, you can begin to create stronger offspring, by connecting to powerful magical beings. The day will come when they will turn into brave invincible warriors and give a good rebuff to the enemies who invaded their native land.