HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE! – an entertaining anime-style musical arcade game for Android mobile devices, which has already won the sympathy of millions of gamers around the world. Gamers will find an interesting sequential plot with exciting events, in which the main person involved is the famous Japanese singer Hatsune Miku. Together with her and other characters, players will participate in peculiar performances, where they will try to gain attention and worldwide recognition. The gameplay combines elements of a musical arcade and an adventure role-playing action. If you are ready to embark on an amazing journey, then download HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE! on Android right now.
The plot revolves around the main character – the famous Japanese singer Hatsune Miku and other talented musical performers. Despite the fact that their long-held dream has already come true, every day they face various kinds of musical challenges that force them to perform certain actions against themselves and other characters. But no matter what they do, they always return to music, which helps them restore their mental balance and stay on top.
The gameplay combines elements of a classic RPG in an adventure style and a musical arcade, where the main task is to impress all rivals and win the sympathy of listeners.
The gameplay is divided into levels. At each level, you need to play a certain composition by tapping on the display at certain points. Each tap must be clearly synchronized with the music so that a rhythmic composition is formed. The opponents will do the same thing, and at the end of the level, each participant will receive their own number of points, the result of which will determine the winner of the fight. The winner gets a steep reward.
Depending on the level, prestige of the competition or the task, the reward may vary dramatically. In one task you will receive game currency, in another you will be given cards with characters, in the third task you can get unique items and so on. Character cards are needed to discover new characters, from which you can then form a group with which to participate in musical tournaments.