The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - another sequel to the exciting fantastic Android game about the fearless hero Peter Parker, randomly received incredible superpowers, who became a superhero and defender of his native metropolis, turning into spider-Man.
The second part of the game was created by the same developers from Gameloft Corporation as the first. Perhaps many users had a chance to play the original version of the game about the brave Spiderman on personal computers, consoles or Android devices.
The storyline is this: gamers will take on the role of Peter Parker, who again has to save his hometown from the insidious supervillains: Excellent Octopus, Green Goblin, venom and other power-hungry criminals who are planning to capture the beautiful world. And gamers will need to come to grips with a Legion of wards villains.
The game is present six snide supervillains from Marvel Comics which will have to wage a mortal battle. Players will not depend on anyone, you can fly around the huge metropolis, doing dangerous missions, getting experience points, and then improving the ability of his hero. In the newly made part of a lot of new combat capabilities that are simply absent in the first Android game.
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